
More questions about men and women....

So I read a comic on the net at http://bukucomics.com/loserz, and I found this

I've been thinking about this a lot... Why is it like this?
Why is it not accepted for a woman to do as a man, without being called easy, slut or something worse...?

Please give me a good answer, cause I think it's unfair...


  1. Uhh.. it is unfair. Very much a double standard. Men have been controlling standards for thousands of years, so they control this one as well.

    Although in some circles I think that might be loosening a little. But you have to find the right group of people.

  2. oh well, I have found it, my group of people... I'm just trying to figure it out, why is there such a huge difference?

    But of course, I know so many people, there is them that will accept it, and those who won't... I just figure it sucks being them...

    I live life, they'd complain about it ;D

  3. Well again, I think part of the answer is that men shape many of the standards in the world, including this one. Thus the huge difference. It's to their advantage.

  4. So it's all a huge conspiracy...
    How comforting...

  5. I'm not sure it's always done consciously. Some of these standards have been internalized for hundreds of years.
